The Sensation Approach is based on the premise that deep inside each individual, is a specific and distinct energy that shapes who we are – our likes and dislikes, the way we think, act and feel, and finally our illnesses. This energy pattern is called ‘the other song’.
‘the other song’ defines our state of being. It determines our perception and response to the world and forms an essential part of our individuality. ‘the other song’ manifests as a core inner sensation which is specific to each individual. It matches an element from one of the three kingdoms in nature – plant, animal or mineral. Our personalities, life patterns, underlying factors behind stress, physical problems and symptoms are all expressions of this core inner sensation.
The sides of the triangle, Symptoms and System, complement each other, and when they are used together the best results ensue. Symptoms include the use of rubrics, structured repertorization, keynotes, provings, characteristics, and clinical symptoms. The System includes kingdom, sensation and miasm.

When utilizing the idea of “Synergy”, all three sides of the triangle (Genius, Symptom and System) must be included in prescription, and ultimately each one will reach the same conclusion and remedy that matches the patient.
This is a system that is unique – its design can be taught, practiced, and replicated successfully by students and practitioners. This method has brought together both the old and the new approaches in homoeopathy – it has established a universal platform where all approaches in homoeopathy are welcomed and used to aid in the patient’s recovery.