In collaboration with Medicus Ayur Data Academy Serbian School
1. Study of Materia Medica- (>200 homeopathic polycrest remedies)
2. Organon of medicine and homeopathic philosophy.
3. In-depth practical study of repertory which includes, Kent repertory, Phatak’s Repertory and Boenninghausen repertory.
4. Sensation method and kingdom classification
5. In-depth studies of concept of miams (classical and modern approach)
6. Clinical sessions on developing clinical skill and confidence.
Highlights for the program
1. Course will be held on one weekend of every month i.e. Friday, Saturday and Sunday for 9 months.
2. There will be 45 sessions (252 hours) online-in-person lectures by faculties of Tos academy and Serbian School.
3. Online sessions from tos academy will be on zoom platform and with simultaneous Serbian translation.
4. Annual fee for 1st year foundation course is: Euro 1300/-.
5. Certificate of participation will be issued after graduation.
The Foundation Course Curriculum
A. Organon and Philosophy:
a. Introduction of homeopathy
b. Discovery of homeopathy
c. Biography of dr Samuel Hahnemann
d. Organon of medicine (1-70 Aphorisms)
e. Drug dynamization.
f. Art of case taking
g. Symptomatology
B. Materia medica:
in-depth study of 39 polycrest remedies
C. Repertory:
a. Introduction of Repertory
b. in-depth study of Kent repertory
c. introduction to synergy software program
d. case studies on repertory
D. Clinical sessions
E. Periodic assessment and exam
Contact for Serbia :
Spomenka Dragojević:
The other song academy :
Dr Pratik Desai:
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